The thing about the Left and their feminine minded screamers is they are not very smart. They hear a few harsh words, despite being 100% true, and then run outside with their pinkies in the air. Here’s a lesson for you. Just because you are emotionally unbalanced, doesn’t mean those of us who practice logic are bound by your faulty wiring systems. Your squeamish emotions are just that, yours. They have nothing to do with reality. I’m proud of our president and JD Vance for dressing Zelensky down.
Another issue with the simple minded is every issue has to be a binary choice, Zelensky good, Putin bad. But reality is not like that. The Western “feel good ” Left views the world as they wish it to be as opposed to the muddled reality it actually is. These are the shallow thinkers that went apoplectic last week because the Trump administration did not vote in the UN to condemn Russia. They are so imbued with their dysfunctional emotion, they cannot see that the resolution was a meaningless gesture from a toothless organization and would do nothing to promote peace. Moreover, the vote was a setup by the pro-war faction to try and disrupt peace talks with Russia.
Is Putin a bad guy? Who doesn’t know this? But does this mean because he is a bad guy, we dismiss all his concerns and pretend the world isn’t what it is?
Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire for nearly 300 years. It has a very dark past. The Soviets starved millions in the Ukraine, but many Ukrainians were complicit in the Holodomor. There was bloody civil war right after the Russian revolution. Many Ukrainians became Nazis and participated in the Nazi atrocities. The Azov Battalion, a Nazi military force is active in Ukraine today. The eastern part of the country, the Donbas, where most of the industry is, is primarily Russian. Russian capital, sweat and labor built those industries. Moreover, Ukraine is an artificial country whose borders have changed many times with many different nationalities.
If I were Putin, I would have many of the concerns he has, and to the feeble-minded pinky screamers, this does not mean I am pro-Putin. In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia right through Ukraine, and Czar Nicholas I burned Moscow to the ground to starve and freeze Napolean. The death and devastation to Russia was almost unimaginable. Hitler invaded Russia through Ukraine, and 20 million plus Russians died. The U.S. promised Russia when the USSR broke up that it wouldn’t move one inch into old Warsaw Pact countries, but it did, and it repeatedly lied and repeatedly grew NATO. Maybe this was smart policy, but it doesn’t dismiss Russia’s concerns about Ukraine being part of NATO. Can you blame them? In 2014, Victoria Nuland of the State Department staged a coup in Ukraine and overthrew the democratically pro-Russian president. In 2021-22, Russia and Ukraine agreed on a new Minsk Agreement which would have prevented war, but the Biden Administration sent Boris Johnson to Ukraine to blow up the deal.
Now, Putin is a Slavophile, and a supporter of the Russian Orthodox church. Is that so terrible? I know if I was a Russian I’d feel the same way. All of this is just reality.
Can anybody in Left wing idiot land tell me how the lives of Ukrainians will be materially different if the Donbas is handed over to Russia, as it was agreed upon before Boris’s trip to Kiev?
Zelensky is not a saint. He cannot account for $350 billion sent to him from the west, mostly the United States. The corruption and graft is enormous and ridiculously transparent. It’s a good bet that Zelensky has bribed the U.S. because he knows where all the Biden and Washington insider “bodies are buried.” He has stolen billions and has moved a good chunk of this money to personal overseas bank accounts. Zelensky and his criminal oligarch cronies have gotten fabulously rich. We also know that billions of dollars sent by U.S. taxpayers have been laundered back into the hands of the Democrat mafia machine headquartered in Washington DC. Ukraine is a money laundering enterprise for the American Left and World Economic Forum elites. Zelensky has cancelled elections and banned the Ukrainian Orthodox church. His wife goes to Paris on million dollar shopping sprees. The vast majority of Ukrainians hate him.
Russia is not the old Soviet Union. Our policy should be to bring Russia back into the fold of the western world. It has wonderful, cultured and educated people. So does Ukraine. The loss of human and financial capital is a blow to the whole world. If one understands economics, which none of the weak minded Karens do, we want countries to be rich. We want humans to live so they can produce wealth. As Adam Smith knew, this enriches the whole world. We want a flourishing Russia and a flourishing Ukraine, and this can only happen if the war ends now.
My guess is Zelensky’s media stunt was coordinated with Democrat and Swamp operatives. They want the money to keep flowing to Ukraine. Trump wants to end it, and he and JD did a masterful job demonstrating to the world that the U.S, is out of the graft and corruption business and will stand strong against those that disrespect these values.
And what’s the deal with the black sweat clothes? Put on a damn coat and tie and show some respect!