It has always been my experience that women will believe any tall tale you tell them. Thus, it is really fun to lie to them. They look up to authority figures more than men do. ...
My brother Walter, aka Fat Wally is in a tussle with the University of Virginia and its radical Left President, Jim “Lyin” Ryan. Fat Wally really isn’t fat, but just as truth should never get ...
If you don’t want your son to play with dolls and be a little weenie boy, then here is a child raising tip.
Fat Wally has had a good year. Over Labor Day weekend last year FW was rushed to the Medical College and diagnosed with Leukemia.You might say, Big Rob, how can he have had a ...
Alexander Hamilton, IV ( Champion BS-er) Happy 85th birthday to the Crown Prince of Petersburg, Va, international ladies man and ex-star quarterback of Episcopal High School, the one and only, Mr. Alec Hamilton!!! A QUICK ...
This Month’s Strappin Hoss Award goes to my buddy, that Venerable Vicar, the Very Right and Hosslike Reverend, that Muscular Man of the Cloth, Dr. David Mark Cooper ( deafening cheers and applause). Mark recently finished the ...
23 YEARS AGO. The phone rang, it was my brother telling me “it was a boy.” I was struck my the elation and sheer joy in his voice. Brick is 8 years older than I ...
My friend Bo Montague had a heart attack. His heart stopped……. I called Bo around 8 am Friday morning to leave him a sophomoric and very immature message, but didn’t hear back from him. By ...