The Liberal Cocoon
Governor Andrew Cuomo is an idiot. If he would only read Rob Is Right everyday, he would less idiotic. In reality, the problem with America is liberals don’t read Rob Is Right. If they did, everyone would be rich and prosperous. The liberal, fake news media, drive the daily “news” narrative. Conservatives react to fake news with facts and logic. Cuomo and other idiots of his ilk, self isolate in the liberal cocoon, and they are oblivious to “real” information. Yesterday, Cuomo announced that 66% of the recent Corona hospitalizations were people who had been “sheltering in place” immediately before hospitalization. Watch the Video. Those of us, who need to read other sources of “news,” know that the virus can’t be stopped, it will spread. People need to develop immunities. By staying at home, many people’s natural resistance to disease is weakened. Duh. This is Immunology 101.
What else has Andrew the Dunce done. He forced nursing homes in New York to take corona-virus patients. How stupid is this? Watch Video.
Burn Baby Burn
He has grossly mismanaged his state. He’s been governor since 2011. His state is and has been on the verge of bankruptcy due to “political” spending. What is political spending you ask? It is wasting the taxpayer’s money on “investments” that makes you seem hip and cool. “Vote for me because I threw away $1.5 billion on cool stuff.” See Article. “I will tax my state to death. You ignorant peons don’t know how to invest your money, I’ll do it for you!” In the private sector, CEOs are judged by the stewardship of assets and return on investments. NYC is the dirtiest and most crowed city in the US. It is the type of place where deadly viruses have broken out for several hundred years. But preparing for the inevitable by say, buying ventilators, just isn’t FUN. Now, what’s FUN is being able to go on TV and blather about your mother and have all the vacuous soccer moms in the country connect with you, even though your stupid policies have killed a couple thousand of other people’s mothers.
Details. Details. Who need DETAILS !