I’ve noticed that people get uncomfortable whenever I have a theological conversation and talk about Satan. Certainly in today’s secular world of false religions and idolatry, many people have only a passing understanding of Christianity. It is easy to believe what we don’t want to believe. Yet the Evil One exists and much of Christian doctrine teaches us how to resist and thwart the very present and dangerously real dark force in the Universe.
The thought of Satan’s worldly existence used to give me chills, until my scholarly friend, the late Tom Huff explained to me the meaning of Mathew 16:23….”Get thee behind me Satan.” If we cloak ourselves in the blood of Jesus, we have authority over the dominion of Evil.
Remember the scene in Animal House where Larry has the angel and the devil on both shoulders? In many ways, this is an accurate portrayal of everyday life for all of us. Satan is known as the “Great Deceiver,” he lies to use in very clever ways. Our job is to be on the look out for him, and to try and recognize his lies.
All of this brings me to today’s thought. Are we being lied to today in order to fulfill the Evil One’s ambitions? I don’t know the answer, but the question lingers inside of me,….what if?
World wide Corona deaths are reported as 115,000 out of 7.6 billion souls, .00001% of the world’s population. Yet 1 million people around the globe die from mosquitoes every year. Thus, the question: are we being deceived? It is hard to imagine Satan’s objectives being fulfilled more cleverly. All of Christendom has been closed. No Easter Sunday services. Millions are out of work and losing their businesses. Our own democratic governments have effectively seized our private property and dismantled our liberties. Is civil discord around the corner?
I am not concluding anything. I am just saying, these questions are worth pondering.
Related: Reflections on Divine Countenance