This Tara Reade story is FUN. She’s on the warpath, read the transcript of her interview with Megan Kelly. So let the most honest man in America break all this down for you.
The Left Would MeToo Jesus
First, it is fun because it exposes the hypocrisy of the Left, not to mention how sinister its foot soldiers are. Thus, if you are a well known and powerful progressive and habitually molest women, nobody in the so called #MeToo movement cares. Let’s face it, the #MeToo movement is just a hammer to bludgeon conservative political opponents. If Jesus Christ ran for president, liberal women would suddenly appear and accuse him of being a sexual predator. The Left created this weapon, and now it is being used against them. It’s kind of like Austin Powers using the “laser beam” against Dr. Evil.
I think men should conduct themselves as gentlemen. However, ever since David spied on Bathsheba, powerful men have preyed on women. And the reverse is also true, many women also seek out powerful men for the perks and prestige. Let’s not kid ourselves. Are these activities “character flaws?” Sure. Do they disqualify one from holding public office? Shoulder shrug, maybe. I think being a liberal is a character flaw. It means that you are a stupid, overly emotional idiot who will destroy the world if ever in power. However, how one treats other people is certainly a deep dive into someone’s soul. If a man uses his power and influence over women to force them to have sex with him, that’s a pretty good indicator of the type of narcissism one would not want in a leader. This kind of man is going to put his own interests above country every time. It also ain’t cricket. It’s like shooting ducks over corn. It’s cheating, and is an indicator of someone who lacks honor. What about smelling little girls’ hair? To me, this might be an automatic disqualifier for the presidency. It is so damn creepy!
Joe Biden Is Creepy
Now, are the Tara Reade accusations true? Usually, the truth in these matters lies somewhere in between. We do know that at the time of the accusation, Creepy Joe’s “running mates” were Chris Dodd and Ted Kennedy. Notorious sex offenders. We also know that there are numerous contemporaneous accounts that Tara Reade complained about his conduct. However, let’s not kid ourselves about the veracity of her claims or her motives. I am constantly told by people what an astounding memory I have. But, even I, the smartest and most honest man in the world, am going to remember facts in a way that benefits me. After 27 years, our minds start to blend what actually happened with what we want to say actually happened, until we finally convince ourselves of the version we want. Secondly, everyone has a motive. It could be noble, it could be pecuniary, it could be a combination of several factors. It is clear that Tara Reade’s primary motive is political. She’s a Bernie Sanders groupie, and she is p.o.ed at the establishment wing of the Democratic Party.
Creepy Yes, But Socialism Is Creepier
What this really casts light on is how utterly nonsensical our political environment is. Take Joe Biden’s socialist positions on virtually any topic, and the guy is a total fool, and will destroy our country and perhaps the world. Yet, 30 seconds of bad behavoir, directed at one person, 27 years ago might derail his candidancy, instead of his insane politcal beliefs that would cause catastrophic damage to hundreds of millions of people. Go figure?