Welcome to Stalag Virginia! Our Camp Comander, Ralph “Mengele” Northam has just issued an edict that we all must wear badges of state compliance! Those who wear them will not be bothered by the Gestapo! ...
Folks, listen to this guy. I’ve known him my whole life. he’s never been wrong about anything. He is the SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD! He is always RIGHT. Y’all better fight back now or ...
Richmond, Virginia is one of the most beautiful cities in America, certainly the most historic. It has had an incredible renaissance over the past 20 years. Old historic neighborhoods being gussied up, new businesses, a ...
GUEST COLUMN, by Corpulentus Wallinum (his Latin Name), a loyal reader…. Comrade, I don’t want to have to endure any more TV, internet or radio ads telling me “We are all in this together.” I ...
Our Consitution recognizes, indeed celebrates God Given individual liberties. Man is made in the image of God, we are rational beings and we can think for ourselves, with no need for the “guvmnt” to think ...
In 1906 a pop star religious healer began hanging around the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. This mystic wanderer had enormous influence with the Russian royal family. His captivating presence endeared him to many in ...
There was the neolithical age, the classical age, the midieval age, and now we have progressed to the WEENIE AGE. We are living through what for centuries to come will be known as the most ...
Yesterday Joe Biden said that the Corona-virus is an incredible opportunity to fundamentally change America. See Here. And that’s really all you need to know about the current shut down of our economy. The Progressive ...
Hey y’all, did you know that today is International Worker’s Day? Otherwise known as May Day in the old USSR? Now that our communist government has seized our property and stripped us of our liberties, ...