Sally Muffinsheep was a babe. Now 48, by the time she was 16, it was evident she was going to have a comfortable life. Men would always fall all over her to help her. Born ...
THOSE DAMNED MONEY GRUBBIN, HEATHEN BLUEBELLIES……. might come over the hedgerow at any time. Be prepared. Read ROB IS RIGHT so you can teach these boorish brutes a thing or two about good manners.
LET’S SEE IF Y’ALL CAN UNSCRAMBLE THIS: omcbrositghri. The winner wins a free subscription to the world’s most informative news and opinion magazine. If you hop on the Rob Is Right TRAIN, your SOUL ...
My favorite Greek philosophers are Zach Galifianakis and Jimmy the Greek, but this EPICTETUS fella nails it. Recent scrolls uncovered in the basement of the Parthenon indicate that EPICTETUS was an enthusiastic devotee of ROB ...
Then read ROB IS RIGHT. I remember the disappointment in my father’s face in 1977 when I only scored a 1598 on my SATs. The first Smith since the time of Alfred the Great to ...
Bubba and Daryll never miss a Va. Tech game, except when they have to go to the dentist, which is…….NEVER!
ALEXA…QUIT NAGGING ME! This fembot is still a female. Amazon needs to create a device named Butch, who can just answer a question without the LIP!