I Love Me, F The Country
How many of y’all know any politicians? Republican or Democrats, they ain’t very smart. It is not an over generalization to say that most of them have a narcissistic mindset. It is a “head trip” to be elected and have folks bend down and grovel at your feet. However, they have special cognitive powers to get people to grovel. This is their real skill. And being “groveled” is intoxicating. No where is the narcissistic quest for power and complete brain dead idiocy blended and refined more perfectly than the Democratic Party. In today’s news, we see a few headlines that illustrate these symptoms:
New York Democratic politicians have let hardened criminals out of jail and back on the street. They do this to appease a constituency. The criminals then commit more crimes. Duh? Most often against the same constituency the Dem pols are sucking up to. READ HERE.
Up in Cambridge, a liberal Democratic law professor thinks home schooling is evil. You see, your children don’t belong to you, they belong to the state. READ HERE.
Over in Lansing, Governor Whitmer has forced all the citizens of her state to shut up and stay inside. No protests! What a perfect time to funnel tax payer money to fellow Democrats, to enrich her friends and to build a giant data base to spy on every citizen of her state. READ HERE.
Over in Hartford, Connecticut, the Democrats have built a drone to spy on its citizens in the name of public health. READ HERE
The problem here is government is too big. If pols didn’t have such control over our lives, they would not be interested in being politicians. They’d be used car salesmen.