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The Weenie Age

There was the neolithical age, the classical age, the midieval age, and now we have progressed to the WEENIE AGE. We are living through what for centuries to come will be known as the most idiotic policy decisions ever enacted by modern governments. Unfortunately, the group think hysteria that defines the WEENIE AGE is an unfortunate by product of our human  nature. Throughout history, people have been enveloped into the madness of crowds. Once the passions of the moment are over, we will look back and see how utterly stupid it was to shut down the world’s economy over the Coronoa-virus. A sickness that accounted for 2% of all deaths in the United States. Of course, having a superior intellect, I knew what a disaster this would be from the beginning.

In other news today, the Director of National Intelligence is declassifying the Obama Adminsitration’s unmasking of phone calls with General Flynn. In Obamaworld, “unmasking” means spying.

Barry seems to be upset about something. Mmmm, could it be that he himself is about to be unmasked for committing treason against his own government? WHAT’S BARRY SO WORRIED ABOUT!

And in Pennsylvania, we have a tyrant governor about to cause a conflagration. This will be fun to watch as well.

joe biden is looney tunesEveryday, we have more video of Joe Biden bumbling through an interview, and one has to ask, how can he be so unprepared? In this instance, he is implicated in the setup of General Flynn.

For more news, check out the online sites to the left and the right. Don’t trust the FAKE NEWS, because it ain’t news, it’s propaganda.


Rob Smith

Rob Smith is a lawyer and Managing Director of Chartwell Capital in Richmond, Virginia. He is mean as a snake and likes to kick little puppies when he see them. He also enjoys making children cry and tripping old ladies. He is extremely superficial and shallow. His favorite pastimes/hobbies are pissing people off, littering and being obnoxious.

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